Great article love the shots and the different ways of presenting them, very interesting. I am sure you must have thought of a YouTube channel, I subscribe to Tom Heaton and Gary Gough to name a few, l would definitely subscribe to yours if you did start one.

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Ditto, it would be great to see Gil's workl on Youtube! Like you I thoroughly enjoy my Monday morning read, and often or not inspirational injection from Gill!😀

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Thank you very much Philip for your kind comments, I am glad you enjoyed the post.

I am not sure if I am ready for YouTube but feel very flattered that you would be interested - I will give it some thought 🙂

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The montage and diptychs are just amazing and such a wonderful way to compliment similar images. I have indeed tried this on your workshops and thoroughly enjoyed it but find without that guideline sheet of yours I default to moment catching and the creative side seems to get lost.

An example would be I'd see a fabulous looking pair of socks but never connect the hole onsomble, so open toe sandals, brown corduroys, a sting vest and a notted hankie does nothing for me except seeing a lot of pointing!

So maybe a Gill Moon I'm always with you companion flick book with one hour photography quest once a random page number has been chosen the adventure begings.

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That sounds like an excellent plan Ian, I will just have to write it now! 😆

Thank you for your comments, and I am glad you enjoyed the images. There is nothing wrong with moment catching and I hope you will continue to do plenty of it. For the rest of the creative stuff you will just have got come on more Gill Moon walks! 🙂

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Now that I can do, checking your website now thank you!

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Such excellent writing, photography, creativity, education, inspiration etc in a single article. Hopefully you will compile these into a book one day :) It left me with a real buzz about applying these ideas next time I'm out with the camera. Thank you.

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Thank you so much Rob, that is really good to know. I am glad it has inspired you and I hope you will have fun experimenting next time you are out. 🙂

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Another really excellent article - I read them all and find them very inspiring. This type of photography is something that resonates with me, and I find I often go for quieter images and pairings/sets to capture a 'sense of place' far more often than the attention-seeking saturated images of Instagram. Not at your level of quality or consistency, but simply getting out and practising is certainly improving my technique and ability to find an image in any (well, most) conditions. Thanks also for pointing us towards Ian Lawson's work - absolutely fantastic.

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Thank you so much for your comments Mary. It is good to know that you find the posts useful and also nice to hear that you enjoy photographing in a similar way.

I found Ian Lawson's work really inspiring when I first came across it. His method of pairing images based on colours and tones is really beautiful and so worth looking at.

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Thanks for the inspiration Gill - as ever your works is beautiful. I am coming to Suffolk next Monday so I am going to put your advice to work - probably won’t get the same results but I will definitely give it a go .

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Thank you very much Kim for your kind comments. I hope you have a lovely time in Suffolk and I am sure you will get some good results! 🙂

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Thank you for another inspiring article. I am inspired to try the approach you describe on my next photography trip.

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Thank you so much Malcolm, I am glad you enjoyed the blog. I hope you get some good results on your next photography trip.

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Finding your thoughts on montages and pairing really useful. I live in Norfolk and trying to find ways of capturing a relatively flat landscape can be challenging. Thank you.

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Thank you very much Steve. I am glad you found the post interesting. Flat landscapes can be a challenge which is why I like mix things up a little bit and try different things to get the best out of each location. I hope you will find some of this useful next time you get out with your camera.

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I'm really loving your flower images Gill. I like the idea of putting a scene image along side a close up image. Something I will try myself.

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Thank you very much Rosey, I hope you enjoy experimenting with the idea 🙂

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Another inspiring article. I love the idea of the companion shots, and also the grids you use. I’ve done some of these when I make my own photo books- and I find them very effective- though it does take some work choosing the pictures!

I’ve also got that book by Ian Lawson- I bought it the first time I went to the Outer Hebrides- from the gin distillery in Tarbert on Harris! It’s a beautiful book- I love the heritage style he has processed the photos.But you need a sturdy coffee table to put it on !

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Thank you so much for your comments Clare, I am glad you enjoyed the article and took some inspiration from it. Companion shooting and creating panels is a great way to grow as a photographer and I think it is a lot of fun to do.

Ian Lawson's book is beautiful despite being the heaviest book I own! 🙂

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Another enjoyable blog post with lovely images Gill. A recent trip to Sheringham Park meant I tried wider aperture shots as per one of your previous blogs and some diptychs which I enjoyed putting together more than I thought I would. My self-declared lack of a creative thought perhaps isn’t the gap I think it is, and I was very pleased with the collections, more so than a series of sole images.

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Thank you very much Terry. I am glad you enjoyed shooting a series of images and putting together your diptychs. I think this way of shooting is always rewarding and can yield shots that you wouldn't have otherwise taken.

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Really lovely images of the different flowers (those trees really worked, as well, to help reveal depth in your gorgeous foxglove image) blooming now in your area. And I love your diptychs with the paired far/close shots, a great idea to think about in my own future projects. I also enjoyed the informative text.

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Thank you so much for your comments and I am really glad you enjoyed the post and the images. 🙂

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Another enjoyable read thanks Gill with some great advice. Wonderful landscape images and your colour pairings go so well together. Like you I’ve been enjoying photographing Spring flowers, particularly experimenting with differential focus. The advice on different lighting conditions is really useful and something I need to give more thought to.

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Thank you very much for your comments David, I am glad you enjoyed the blog. The flowers this year have been stunning so far and it is lovely to get out there and make the most of them despite the slightly wet weather! I will keep my eyes open for more of your images. 🙂

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Another great article filled with beautiful photography! Really enjoyed this one, Gill!

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Thank you so much Susanne, I am glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

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As always beautiful images Gill!

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Thank you so much Shital, I am glad you enjoyed them. 🙂

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Really lovely Gill, thanks for sharing and for providing all the behind the scenes inspiration. My favourite would be the Holm Dunes, just beautiful.

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Thank you so much Ross - I am glad you enjoyed them. 🙂

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I always immediately want to go out and try to practice what I've learned from you, Gill. Thank you!

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Thank you so much Ann, that is lovely to hear. I hope you have fun putting together some panels.

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