Sep 2Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Beautiful photos, I really like the mono one with the snail.

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Thank you very much Hayley, that is one of my favourites too. I loved the back lighting and the contrast between the snail and the background.

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Sep 2Liked by Gill Moon Photography

100% agree with sometimes just go outside (garden or open space) and just "look"!! I have been making myself use my 100mm macro MUCH more since reading your blogs and and find endless possibilities with looking up close! Thanks for inspiring us all!

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Thank you so much for your comments Sue and I am glad you are enjoying the posts. I think the macro lens offers so many possibilities and you don't have to go far to get interesting results.

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Sep 2Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Wonderful set of images and great advice. I may be biased but I particularly loves the ICM images. 😁

I often simply shoot from my office window because I'm often either frozen in the decision about going out somewhere to photograph something or feeling like I don't have time to spend hours out and about.

I probably took at least 50 photos this morning just being inspired by what I was seeing through the window. We are getting into that time of year where the lighting becomes a bit more interesting.

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Thank you very much Joe. I don't often try ICM so it was fun to experiment.

I have never taken images from the window but it sounds interesting particularly if the light is good. 🙂

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Sep 2Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Typically I open it from the top and hang out of it to capture images but this morning I left it closed to experiment with the effects of the dirt on the outside of it.

I’m going to have to clean it soon.

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Sep 2Liked by Gill Moon Photography

This is great! I'm feeling the time limitations myself recently and this is a great example that creativity can still flourish! I really like how some of the b&w photos turned out!

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Thank you very much Erik. Finding time to get out for photography isn't always easy. I am glad you enjoyed the black and white images - they are my favourites too. 🙂

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When we work with time and location constraints we grow as photographers! As always love the images Gill.

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Absolutely true. I am glad you enjoyed the images. 🙂

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Sep 2Liked by Gill Moon Photography

I can't believe this is a rushed post! It seems so well considered and thoughtful! Beautiful images too ❤️

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Thank you very much Jayne. It felt rushed for me! 🙂 I usually like to take a few days to think about a post and gather the images together. I did all this in one day, but it was good fun and I am glad you enjoyed it.

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Sep 2Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Thanks, beautiful pics and a great read

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Thank you very much Gery, glad you enjoyed it.

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I think that constraints are useful, and encourage creative solutions as you show here. For me, the black and white images show the structural beauty of the plant, while the colour gives a softer mood.

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Thank you very much for your comments Michela. It is interesting to see how you perceive the colour and black and white images and they definitely both tell a very different story.

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Great project Gill. I sometimes assign myself a "micro-project" like this. Something low pressure, allows for experimentation and I can get it done over the weekend.

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Thank you very much James. I agree, micro projects are great and can add a lot of purpose to a simple outing with the camera.

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Def time well spent, I’d say! 💜 Thanks for sharing the project and the results/reward.

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Thank you very much, glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

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A day late to the party again! First of all I thought Gill is human, has the same frailties as us mere mortals! This perception quickly dissipated as I read on, truly amazing what you have produced in just one hour, not just the wonderful images, the different types of shot, but also the marvelous thoughtful and easy reading text. Certainly not from a mere mortal! I shall endeavour to look at an hour I the garden in the future, but I still haven't achieved Kim Grant's idea of an hour taking images in the square metre around where you sit yourself (probably mentioned that in a previous comment).

I had to look up the term "Chapbook" a great idea, I look forward to seeing the results, I certainly do not however see you as a mid European pedlar!😅

Great post, already looking forward to the next one!

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Thank you very much for your kind comments Chris and for reading my posts - it doesn't matter whether you are a day late I am grateful for your interest.

The photography took me an hour in the garden, then it took me a few more hours to process the images and write the article - so definitely not super human! 😆 I did enjoy the challenge though and thought it produced a few interesting images which have given me some ideas for future projects.

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Far from frivolous Gill. Your self-imposed limitations can only have a beneficial effect on your creativity IMHO.

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Thank you very much Michael. I enjoy working with constraints sometimes, it definitely makes me more creative.

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Lovely photos again Gill. As someone who doesn’t get out as much as I’d like with my camera and who enjoys the garden, you have given me ideas for a project sometime soon. Thank you!

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Thank you so much Sian, that is really good to hear.

I think it's good to remember that we don't have to travel miles to create interesting work. I hope you have fun with your project.

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For one hour at the bottom of your garden the different type of shots you have achieved is brilliant. I am with you I prefer the black and white shots.

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Thank you very much Philip, I am glad you enjoyed them. 🙂

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These are a beautiful set of images Gill, both in b/w and colour. I think self imposed limitations help us to focus (excuse the pun) more and be so much more aware of what we are intending to achieve, no matter how big or small the project. I have to agree - I find post processing the most time consuming aspect and as such I know I have many images still waiting attention on my external drives!

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The photo set is stunning (love the colours).

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Thank you so much Stuart for your kind comments. I am glad you enjoyed the images.

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