Jul 11Liked by Gill Moon Photography

I write a blog on every shoot. It’s useful to reflect on the experience, what worked well, what didn’t. It’s also useful as a timeline of what I’ve done. It’s time consuming, just like post production but satisfying.

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Thank you very much for your comments Terry. I love your idea of a blog for every shoot, what a great way to record your photographic journey. It may be time consuming but nothing worthwhile is every easy. 🙂

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What an incredible location! The depth of field in the second image is incredible. I mostly use my camera to journal and then tell the stories after the fact.

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Thank you very much for your comments Jennifer, it is good to hear about your process and interesting to know that we all do things slightly differently. 🙂

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Jul 10Liked by Gill Moon Photography

I journal regularly (mostly) - I find it particularly valuable on multi-day trips where each day tends to blur with the next. Love these photos Gill - in almost all of them, it is the wildflowers that are unequivocally the subject. Beautiful.

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Thank you very much for your comments James and I am glad you enjoyed the images. I think journalling on multi day trips is invaluable, especially if you plan to use your images for a project or larger body of work. It also makes a lovely record to look back on.

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I have been journaling for many years for general life things, but for whatever reason, I don't approach my photography notes and thoughts in quite this same way. You've provided some great ideas on a few things to try out and see how they resonate. Thanks for that!

One thing I do find fascinating is connecting images to journal notes through random selection. Imagine you have a stack of photos from over the years in a deck of cards and after a random shuffle, you pull one out. Immediately the image is going to speak to you because it is one of your own. It will inevitably connect you to memories of when you took the photo and what was going on in your life. I think you can get a lot just from revisiting old photos in this way, but having a written journal adds an extra dimension.

I have several thousands photos I've posted on my website which is ordered one image per day. That provides the ability to select a random one and then use the date it was posted as the starting point to go mining through my journal to see what was going on at that time.

I've found connections across space and time this way where a randomly selected image from 2024 links me back to a photo I shared in 2011 that leads to a journal entry that is quite pertinent to a present challenge or situation. True synchronicity at work.

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Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and what a lovely way to use your journals. Connecting images to past writing is a lovely way to relive an experience or location and the process must also trigger so many thoughts and creative ideas.

Thank you for sharing. 🙂

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Wow, sounds very complex, wish I had the will, and willpower!

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It is not meant to be too complex. Here is an example of how you could do something like this today with just the images on your computer.

Create a folder on your computer and put some photos in there. The more varied in terms of the time they were taken, where they were taken etc, the better. You don't need to many, maybe 50-100 but its up to you.

You could even do it with the camera roll on your phone if the folder thing sounds like too much.

Have a question in mind like, "I'm bored with all the stuff I photograph, give me some insight into something fun to photograph"

Close your eyes and move your mouse around the folder. Scroll up and down or whatever you can do to try to get a random image from that folder. When ready, click to select that random photo.

Now look at that image and think about what comes up for you. Is there a memory or emotion that image creates for you? Does it relate to your question?

Maybe you picked a random image of a location you used to like to photograph but forgot about and you can now consider going there again.

It's a fuzzy thing that can fall flat or yield some compelling results. Its all very open to be used however you want, not really any rule or guideline other than that.

A slightly more advanced version would be if you do keep a journal, you can see when that random selected photo was taken and look in your journal to see if you wrote anything that day. Not necessarily about the photography process like Gill is describing, but could just be some general thing your wrote that day about the weather or a good meal you had. Its just an added layer of data / information for consideration to spark connections and ideas for you.

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Thank you, I can see that! Producing travel books as I do provokes a similar memory jog! I keep all my images in folders, phone or computer, so probably half way there, just need to take the next step!😀

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Jul 8Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Some more beautiful images here Gill! I do journal where I note things like the weather and the nature I see on my walks, although I don't record what worked and what didn't photographically, which I can see is a good idea. I don't journal while I out though as my writing would be so illegible! Instead I make voice notes on my phone and then try to remember to transfer the notes to my journal when I get home...and that is where sometimes it all goes a little to pot!! I'll get home and there's a diversion, something that needs doing or a work call to return. By the time I get to write it up I find I have forgotten some of the other details of the walk that I didn't record such as the feelings and sense of the place...so it can be a bit hit and miss!

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Thank you very much for your comments Lin and I am glad you enjoyed the images.

Your journaling sounds a lot like mine. Sometimes I am disciplined and sometimes life just takes over. I agree, voice notes are a great way to record out in the field.

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Often thought that voice notes could be the answer? Years ago before digitalisation I was required to record all visits with clients, the tapes were then sent to HQ to be typed, and hard copies returned, these provided a record for review prior to a subsequent visit. Perhaps a dictaphone might work?

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Jul 8Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Oh my word, Gill! You had me at "beach." Every time I go to the beach, I feel like my photography is more magical there. I know it isn't, it just feels that way. It's my beach state of mind/attitude that lends itself to taking pictures there. Anyway, LOVE!!! the photos you captured!!! SOOO beautiful! All of them, but I am particularly drawn to the tin shed one, because I like a rusted old building contrasted by the beautiful flowers. Lovely!! XO

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Thank you so much for your comments Danielle. I agree with you, beaches are special places. This one is my local beach and it is such a magical place in the spring and summer. I am glad you enjoyed the images. 🙂

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Jul 8Liked by Gill Moon Photography

This all sounds very organized, but how do you do it? What are the mechanics of it? Do you just put a date at the top of a page in a journaling book, and then write without the photos included? Do you print them out to include them? How do you tie them together? How do you know two years later which photos you are writing about? The logistics seem overwhelming and very time consuming. I'm lucky to find enough time in the day just to photograph, and maybe once a week, review and post process. I'm trying to use substack to write about my photos, but I'm more of a photographer than a writer. Writing is probably where I need the most improvement as a photographer. I can see the benefits, I just wonder about the logistics?

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Thank you very much for your comments John. I usually journal by date and location, what I photographed and why and what I would do differently next time. I don't necessary associate these notes with specific images, more the location they came from and the process. However I have kept a photo diary in the past with printed images next to hand written notes which makes a nice record of my journey as time goes by. A few images a month makes this an interesting project.

My journaling is about reflecting on a shoot or location in general but also about inspiring me going forward. When I write I usually think of things that could translate into projects, workshops or blog posts. I don't spend long on all this but I have found it a good habit to get into. 🙂

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It would be interesting to see a page or two from one of your journals to see how you accomplish this.

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Jul 8Liked by Gill Moon Photography

On a backpacking trip I usually journal at the end of the day, just before bed. But, going back and grabbing still images from my GoPro footage has helped me tremendously to remember details such as plants and smaller scenes I encountered along the way.

On my next photography focused trip I'm going to try more detailed journaling about the photography, as I go along. That's a very good idea and sounds incredibly helpful!

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Thank you Erik. I find it really helpful. It gives me a chance to process a shoot and often inspires other creative ideas. Notes are always good to look back on too. 🙂

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Jul 9Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Lovely photos Gill, and what amazing light.

I love that you use a real notebook and a nice pen - there's nothing quite like lovely paper and ink!

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Thank you so much Judith, I am glad you enjoyed them.

I absolutely agree - you cannot beat a favourite notebook and pen. I have a leather bound notebook that I can add inserts to and I just love writing in it. I'm definitely not a digital age person! 🙂

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Jul 9Liked by Gill Moon Photography

What a beautiful shingle beach, the flowering plants are amazing and the images you captured are really wonderful. I don't journal but I do keep a website diary going with images and a few notes of the day.

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Thank you very much Peter, the beach is a really special place. It is a SSSI and is full of so many different flowers in the spring and summer.

Your website diary sounds interesting and I imagine is not that far removed from journaling - just in a digital format. However we do it, it is always good to look back on our notes.

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Great photos Gill! I rarely, no never take field notes when I am out with the camera.

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Thank you very much for your comments Pamela, I am glad you enjoyed the photos.

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Journalling helps in recollecting the emotions one goes through at a particular place and time. All for it! Nice one Gill.

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Thank you Shital, I completely agree 🙂

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Jul 8Liked by Gill Moon Photography

I don’t journal - perhaps I should.

Thanks for doing this blog. It must be an effort at times.

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Thank you Mark. Journaling helps me process a shoot, I also find it inspires new ideas. It's always good to give it a try. 🙂

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Jul 8Liked by Gill Moon Photography

I use journalling quite often, not quite in as much detail though! I find it interesting to look back on visits to different areas at different times etc. And I still use a fountain pen!

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Thank you for your comments Tom. Your journal sounds perfect and I love the fact that it is written with a fountain pen. 🙂

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Jul 8Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Interesting blog as always Gill. I see what you mean about the Lensbaby 60 twist. However, I think the Umbellifers photo is lovely!

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Thank you very much Sian, I am glad you enjoyed the post. I think the twist 60 is an acquired taste but I like it in some instances.

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Gill, at the beginning of the piece, you certainly drew me into that peaceful place! The images certainly assist, but initially it was your words! Then to the main subject of the post, and the depth of meaning, ideas and inspiration. I believe that I am fortunate to read the post some days after posting and have had the benefit of reading others comments and experience. Writing a photographic journal is something I need to look at, as previously mentioned I produce photobooks of our holiday travels, something now awaiting having now returned from our latest cruise. I do keep a journal whilst on board, to assist with remembering when we were and what we did, we review our day and often say if we are to return to a place what will we do different! I guess now I just have to find a way to apply the same to my photography, lots to think about! Thank you for another compelling piece, and to those you commented and have caused me to reflect!

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