Jun 7Liked by Gill Moon Photography

I really like your project, Gill, and how you explained the process of making your zine. It has inspired me to try making one myself as it’s a good option to a book for displaying a smaller range of images,

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Thank you so much Susan. Zines are a great way of displaying work and they are relatively cheap and easy to print. I would definitely recommend doing one.

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May 29Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Printing is so key, isn't it ? The photograph on paper and in a bound book is so real and alive in your hands vs. a flickering backlight pixel on a screen... really beautiful work!

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Thank you so much for your comments. I agree, printing really brings an image to life. A photograph doesn't really feel finished to me until it has been printed.

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I really love the images in your zine series. And it is also really helpful how you detailed the process you went through to get to your end product. Really nice and informative post.

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Thank you so much, I am glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

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May 14·edited May 14Liked by Gill Moon Photography

This is a fabulous project Gill - the images look great, I love the depth of colour and sense of the texture of the defences that you've achieved. Its also really interesting to understand your process in pulling it all together. Having a publication as the outcome of a project is a great motivation to complete it...I've used Blurb for a book before now but the costs, particularly postage from Blurb, are so prohibitive. I think Zines are the way forward as they make small publications of work accessible to people with limited budgets and nowadays the quality of printing seems to be getting better and better.

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Thank you so much for your kind comments Lin and I am glad you found the post interesting.

I agree that zine publications are a good option for small projects. The quality of the printing is good and it is a lovely way to get work out there. It is also a great way to complete a project. I would definitely recommend it. 🙂

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May 14Liked by Gill Moon Photography

You're Kingdom of Rust project is totally amazing and the Zine is just sublime, it invokes such emotions as I turn each page with the colours and textures just coming alive.

Thank you for your insight and thought process into making this Zine that you should be very proud of.


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Thank you so much for your kind comments Ian. I am glad you liked the zine. I had a lot of fun making it so it is nice to know someone else has enjoyed it. 🙂

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May 14Liked by Gill Moon Photography

I like the idea of a project and with work and club competitions, and other commitments, time is a constraint. That’s also a bit of an excuse because making a start on something like that gives me a mental block. I suspect starting it or the early process is a common stumbling block, but perhaps once underway, it gives you an aim or objective.

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Thank you very much for your comments Terry.

I agree, starting something can often be the hardest part. This project began as a series of images and just grew. I didn't plan to start a project, I just felt that the images deserved to be a body of work rather than a random few shots.

I often find that is how my projects begin, I get inspired while I am out and from a few initial shots something bigger develops.

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May 13Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Really pleased that you went with a zine, it looks great! The blog outlining your thoughts and reasons makes for an interesting an inspiring read, giving great advise for anyone undertaking a project!😀

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Thank you very much for your comments Chris. I am glad you enjoyed the post and found the whole process interesting. 🙂

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May 13Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Beautiful zine, Gill! I loved to read about your process. It is so interesting how everyone is doing it a little different.

I loved the second version of your cover image too. Could be a project in itself to document that exact spot over time!

Do you ship to Germany? It says there are no shipping options available...

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Thank you so much Susanne. I think you might be right about extending the project to cover the changes on the beach, it is something that I was thinking about and I think would make a compelling series of images.

I would be happy to ship to Germany but I need to work out how to add the shipping to my website ! In the meantime if you would like a copy I could send you a PayPal invoice. 🙂

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May 16Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Please sent me a private message once you figured out how much shipping is. I would love to have a copy of the zine…

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May 13Liked by Gill Moon Photography

It's on my (it seems endless) list of "todo's". I'm still figuring out which of my photos would make a good selection for a zine, but I think I'm overthinking it - I just need to get started. I'm sure it'll take a few tries before I get to something like Kingdom of Rust :) At least this is another good piece of learning material as reference 👍

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Thank you very much for your comments Ronald and I am glad you enjoyed the post.

This project just started as a series of images, I hadn't initially set out to produce a body of work but I felt so inspired that it seemed like the right thing to do. 🙂 I tend to find these spontaneous projects are the best ones and if I overthink things they don't flow as well.

Good luck with your zine. 🙂

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Wonderful collection Gill. I can see that tight editing really affects the images you choose and that another theme or changing the positioning could produce a different feel yet still use many of the same photos. What a change in the sand level in those two photos - I wonder what it looks like now.

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Thank you very much for your comments Anne, I am glad you enjoyed the images.

I went back to the beach at the weekend and my cover image is still under the sand. The beach is now about 1.5 meters higher than it was when I started my project. The power of the tides is amazing.

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May 13Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Your zine looks very compelling, but I really appreciate your insight into how you approach creating it. I'm interested in doing something similar, but haven't yet.

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Thank you very much Erik.

I love doing projects and find them a great way to focus my image making. I often get inspired by a series of images which then grow into a project. Often my favourite projects have been unplanned and have just evolved from an initial photo shoot. I definitely think you should give it a go. 🙂

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May 13Liked by Gill Moon Photography

A great story to a great project lv the way all the colours match and how the images change after only days or weeks this is our coastline that changes more and more


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Thank you very much Pat, I am glad you enjoyed the post.

I found the rate of change on the beach really fascinating. I have been going back to record this with my camera and I may well make an extended project in the future.

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May 13Liked by Gill Moon Photography

What a great project Gill! I particularly like your 'cover' image and the transformation caused by movement of sand in such a short time is incredible! I recall that your part of the eastern coast of the UK is particularly susceptible to change in terms of movement of sand; I recall that in my previous life, we used to sail out of Gt Yarmouth and the dredged Holm Channel would quite often 'move' and have to have the navigational marks moved quite some distance. Millions of tonnes of sand and sediment would shift in a very short time!

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Thank you very much for your comments Andy.

You are right, this part of the coast shifts around so much and the power of the tides is amazing. The changes are often overlooked and I probably wouldn't have noticed the rise in the beach if I hadn't have been looking for a specific composition. It is something that may well make an interesting extension to my project.

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May 13Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Looks great Gill. I look forward to seeing it in print - just ordered a copy 😀

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Thank you so much Sian for your comments and your order. Your zine will be Ian the post today, I hope you enjoy it 🙂

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