Dec 19, 2023Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Love this! The boat image I'd amazing!! I had a very similar experience with a camera club critique and the image sold at an exhibit. There is an audience out there for every photographers images, so just keep shooting what you love. That's how I see it anyway!

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I absolutely agree Alicia. Thank you so much for your comments 🙂

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Thanks for this essay on image critique, I am sure it will be helpful in my own journey, as I have found judges in the past to just add to my confusion. Love reading your “for the love of landscapes” wishing you a great 2024 and beyond.

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Thank you very much Steve, I am glad you are enjoying the posts.

Have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year.

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Feb 5Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Thanks for writing and publishing this article Gill. A reminder that we are the true judge of our images and what pleases us. Although when I’ve entered an image I like, it gets average score and when my wife picks one, it does better. It’s almost as if she knows best!

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Thank you very much for your comments Terry.

I think ultimately we are the true judges of our images and we have to do what feels right to us at the time. However sometimes I think we are too close to our images to see them objectively which may be why your wife is better at picking out your best shots. Sometimes are favourite shots are the ones we connect with emotionally but aren't the ones a camera club judge would mark highly.

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Jan 10Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Catching up on my ‘to read’ section. What gorgeous images in your 12 Gill. My kind of work, beautiful and subtle.

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Thank you very much Jon and a Happy New Year to you. I am really enjoying your work at the moment. 🙂

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Great post Gil. Very few people are skilled at providing constructive feedback - but when you do find someone, their feedback is gold. I love that "cluttered" image.

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Thank you very much James, I really appreciate your comments.

Have a happy Christmas 🙂

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Gill Moon Photography


Firstly enjoy your break and the festive season.

Love the five point self critique, will certainly use that in 2024.

I am of the opinion that as amateurs we shoot for ourselves, so the advice is excellent.

I have found that a great number of third party critiques focus on post processing and what could be done! I agree with the response that which said it leads to confusion. Certainly the processing of an image seems just as important as the shot itself, but the image itself should surely be good in the first place?

Your twelve images in the main portray what I consider is your style, as does the example, i.e. those that create an emotion on first viewing!

Looking forward to your posts in 2024.

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Thank you very much for your comments Chris and I am glad you enjoyed the post and found some of it useful.

I agree - post processing is a fundamental part of image making. In my opinion it is as important as taking the image in the field. Practicing your processing skills and understanding how to use them to get the best from your images really helps you grow as a photographer. However as you said no amount of processing will turn a bad image into a good one.

Thank you for your interest in my work this year and I hope you have a very happy Christmas.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Some great advice there Gill thanks. I’ve been reviewing my images as suggested and have selected a favourite by month. I found it a bit easier to look critically at them from a composition perspective than I have previously. Hopefully this is a reflection of some degree of photographic development/ gaining more experience, which applies to us all I guess. Your image is fab! Have a great Christmas and New Year!

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Thank you very much David, I am glad that you enjoyed the post and it inspired you to review your own images. It's always good to see how far we have progressed over the course of a year.

Have a very happy Christmas and I hope to see you again in 2024.

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Spot on Gill! When I joined a photography society I got too preoccupied with what the judges said, and hooked on “if only I could take an image like”. Constructive feedback in our critique group has been great though.

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Dec 18, 2023·edited Dec 18, 2023Author

Thank you very much Eddie. I think getting feedback from a group of like minded people is really useful and often provides more insight than a single judge. And as long as we are taking images that we are happy with then I think that is the main thing.

Have a happy Christmas.

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Another excellent blog. I think ultimately you need to either have internal or external critique based on what works for you; I find external critique can be helpful where you believe there is something not quite happening with an image, but can't quite put your finger on it. For me fresh eyes can often point out something you have missed.

I'm a believer in the self critique route. Having tried club photography some years ago, I ended up analysing images based on what a judge might say and stopped taking images for me as a result. I became dissatisfied and moved away from photography as a result.

I think part of the issue is having enough self belief in your work - easier said than done I know ! If you made an effort in composing, getting the technical aspects correct and processing to create an image it clearly has meaning to you and you should take pleasure from it in my view. If it gives others enjoyment too that's a great outcome.

Have a very happy Christmas and new year

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Thank you very much Andrew, I am glad you enjoyed the post.

I agree with what you say - it is always helpful to get critique from others particularly if you respect their opinion. We are usually too close to our own work to see it objectively so getting an opinion from someone we respect is always valuable.

Like you I think self belief is so important for without it we often don't have the confidence to share our images and that is a shame.

Thank you for reading my blogs Andrew - have a happy Christmas and I hope to see you again in 2024.

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Great read and the boats image is awesome.

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Thank you so much Charlie for your kind comment. I am glad you enjoyed the post 🙂

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Thank you, Gill. A Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year.

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Thank you very much Sian.

Have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year.

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Gill Moon Photography

That was a really lovely read and I appreciated the 5 step critique though I do rather rely on my wife and daughter.

I also would never ask you to critique or advise my opportunistic images, as I respect, admire you and your work and class you as my mentor.

The photography experience this year has been the best for me with your guidance and tuition, thank you so much for running your workshops and walks.

Merry Christmas Gill.

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Thank you so much for your comments Ian, I appreciate your kind words.

Getting family to critique our work is always good as they often see things that we don't - particularly as we can often be too attached to our images to see them objectively.

I have really your enthusiastic and positive attitude to every photography challenge this year and it has been good seeing your photography develop.

Have a lovely Christmas.

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