Feb 26Liked by Gill Moon Photography

What ever you might think of these, your images from that weekend are lovely, I’d be proud to do similar. I tried only using my 50mm a while back in Bury St Edmunds and felt much as you describe in this blog. I just wondered if after your initial visit, you’d find it more comfortable a second time - it’s a thought.

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Thank you very much Pat for your comments.

I think you are right, if I returned to Cambridge and tried the whole exercise again I am sure I would feel more comfortable. Practice always makes the difficult seem more manageable. I think Bury St Edmunds would be an interesting place to try something similar.

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Feb 22Liked by Gill Moon Photography

A lovely moving article and I don't think anything matches the feeling of proud after the fact, it's always full of emotions.

Your street photography project sounded great and familiar, I have even walked up to a person in the shot to justify, even shown and ask if it's ok! The nod to your farther through the nine fabulous images are just a lovely way to remember him, maybe framed on a wall would bring warming thoughts.

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Thank you very much Ian for your kind comments.

I found street photography unbelievably difficult but I learned so much and had a great time. I will definitely have a go at printing the 9 images as it is always a lovely thing to do and is another nice way to remember Dad. 🙂

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Feb 20Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Thank you for sharing your experience. I love the still photographs and one can see you are much more confident in this element. And I agree, it’s good to try something a little different from time to time.

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Thank you very much for your comments Susanne. I agree. I think the more different things I try the better my photography becomes.

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Feb 20Liked by Gill Moon Photography

I agree. It helps to grow and refine my own photographic voice…

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Feb 19Liked by Gill Moon Photography

"I will never be a street photographer" - but you just proved otherwise!

I live just outside Cambridge and I see it through familiar eyes so fail to notice what is in front of me! Your images are all very familiar locations, so your post has given me some inspiration, thanks for that.

In particular, I love the bicycle bell image.

I aslo need to figure out access to some of the places such as the riverside location where you took the St Johns Chapel shot. I've been there before but I may have been with a past student, which made access much simpler!

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Thank you so much Rob for your kind comments and I am glad you have taken some inspiration from the post. It is easy to stop seeing when we know an area well and sometimes we need the excitement of a new challenge to help us 'see' things again. That is why I enjoyed using the 50mm, it made me look for things I would probably have walked past otherwise.

All the locations I visited are open to everyone.

I hope you enjoy 'rediscovering' Cambridge.

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Feb 19Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Like others comments I like your take on urban photography, the 9 shot montage is very pleasing. Whilst you may feel uncomfortable shooting "street" your eye is still good, "one way" great observation. I have always thought street photography lends itself to black and white, generally in high contract, which is probably the opposite of your often muted colour pallet approach!

All said another great Monday morning read, thank you.😀

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Thank you very much Chris, I really appreciate your comments.

'One Way' was one of my favourite shots and I spent a while in that location waiting for passers by - in the wrong direction!

I have seen lots of lovely street photography in black and white but it does go against what I am usually drawn to.

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Your 9 image collection sums up Cambridge beautifully. I guess somewhere like Cambridge is a good place to try street photography as there are always lots of people pointing a camera or phone at something.

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Thank you very much Anne.

Cambridge is a great place for photography as it is full of so many interesting people and as you say everyone has a camera so it shouldn't feel difficult - (although it did take me a while to appreciate this!)

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Feb 19Liked by Gill Moon Photography

It is very encouraging reading about an established, successful photographer trying something new! I would also have a huge mental hurdle to overcome taking candid photos of strangers in public.

My 50mm lens has become a fun challenge. I often use it for street photography in nature where I take candid photos of plants and rocks!

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Thank you for your comments Erik. I love trying different things with my photography, even if the images are rubbish its always a good learning curve.

I love the idea of candid photography of rocks and plants - brilliant! 🤣

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Feb 19Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Well, I will challenge the idea that the images are rubbish. Obviously not every shot is a gem, but I believe that the training and experience of photographing nature translates into how we see urban environments. And, ultimately, it is the artist behind the camera and their worldview that counts. I believe the creative mind of the artist manifests in every image and, in fact, in everything they do. Some of these intimate scenes and candid photos in this article are very compelling!

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Thank you so much Erik, that's really kind. And you are so right. As creatives we will always bring something of ourselves to our images, whatever we are photographing.

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Feb 19Liked by Gill Moon Photography

Love the images Gill. I’m sure your Dad would be honoured with them. I’m no expert but I like taking images in the streets of a city and remind myself that everyone has a mobile phone with a camera and no one blinks an eye at that. Keep up the good work. Thanks

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Thank you very much Trevor, thats really kind - I expect he would have been horrified at the story! 😆 It is true that everyone has a camera these days and we've all probably appeared in images that we know nothing about. I still think I lack the confidence to tackle street photography successfully but I enjoyed the challenge.

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Feb 19Liked by Gill Moon Photography

I reckon you have done a grand job Gill. I especially like the 9 image collection. Wish I had the courage to do this in my home town though I feel happier photographing on the seafront not in town, definitely a confidence thing. You may know his work but derwowski on instagram takes great photos in Cambridge.

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Thank you so much Jon for your kind comments. I agree it is definitely a confidence thing and I don't really have any where street photography is concerned. I did enjoy the experience though (eventually!)

Thank you for the link to Derwowski, I will check out his work. It is always good to come across someone new 🙂

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Fascinating read this morning Gill. You managed to capture an intriguing atmosphere even if you were outside your comfort zone. The montage is lovely! Monday morning after breakfast enjoying a cup of tea whilst reading your weekly piece is great. Thank you 😊

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Thank you so much Sian, I am really glad you are enjoying the blogs on a Monday.

I definitely found Cambridge a challenge but then that is all part of the process of growing as a photographer 🙂

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